EduGuide’s E-Learning Policies

Professional Practice Guidelines for Teachers, Administrators, and Staff


These guidelines of Professional Practice is important for all teachers including IT staff, technicians, administrators, and supervisors employed by EduGuide. In their respective roles, teachers exercise powers that have a significant impact on the lives of students and consequently there is a community expectation that these powers will be properly and prudently used. What teachers know and do has a profound effect on the nature and quality of student learning. Good teachers are even more important in a society that is continually changing and developing, and in which there is increasing emphasis on the creation of knowledge and sharing of information. Given the profession of teaching is becoming even more complex and important, society and teachers themselves need to ensure that the professional practice of teaching meets the highest possible standards. In achieving these high standards teachers and staff need to be committed to their own professional learning, seeking to deepen their knowledge, expand their skills and ensuring that they have the latest certifications in their respective fields.